Kerjasama Luar Negeri Indonesia dan China: Studi Kasus Ekspor Batubara
International trade, Coal, Exports, Coal ProspectsAbstract
The relationship between Indonesia and China has been established for a long time. This has made Indonesia and China use it to increase cooperation as a way to strengthen kinship between the two countries in the Southeast Asian region. Indonesia, which is rich in natural resources, uses this gift to become a source of state income. One of the commodities that Indonesia can rely on is coal which is exported to several countries including China. The existence of policies implemented by China such as the zero percent import tariff policy and the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan affect Indonesia's coal exports. The results of this study show that the two decisions taken are capable of influence the progress of Indonesia's coal export and economy and the dynamics that occur in coal commodities in the future. Based on this, I suggest that Indonesia needs to improve coal quality standards and establish steps that must be taken in dealing with policies implemented by China that are able to make changes to coal in the future.
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