Author Guidelines

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Instructions for Authors

Authors who want to enter the text must pay attention to the points below. If the manuscript does not match the stated requirements, there is a possibility that the manuscript will be returned.

Articles must be original and in the form of results of field research or the results of conceptual thinking, relating to social and development; and the article is not in the process of submitting a publication in another journal and has never been published in proceedings or other scientific journals.
Articles written in Indonesian, in accordance with the rules of use of the applicable language. The article is typed with 1 (one) space on A4 paper using the MS-Word for Windows word processing program, using the font "Times New Romans" 12 fonts, without decoding (hard-hyphenation), and writing length of 6009-8000 words.
The title of the article is written specifically and effectively, no more than 12 words. With a size of 18 fonts
The author's identity is written in full name and does not state the title. Enter the affiliation / institutional address and email address of the author in accordance with the example below

1) Laode Muhamad Fathun


The article is completed with abstracts in English and Indonesian (bilingual), each containing 100 to 250 words, accompanied by 3 to 5 keywords.
The manuscript is made in the form of 2 (two) columns, except for the main title, author's name and abstract.
Mandala writing systematics: Journal of International Relations, as follows:
• In writing articles, avoid using dot points, service, or numbering like the following example:
1. ......................
2. ......................
But it is written in a series of sentences, as follows: (1) ....; (2) ...
Articles are written in the form of essays, so there is no numeric format (or alphabetical) separating between chapters / sections, or to mark new chapters / sections; Conclusions are not detailed in points, but in paragraphs.

Each citation must state the most up-to-date library source and be written using the running note system, for example:

... this was also stated by Alamsyah (2015) that the three powers must be divided in such a way that they are separate from the others.

... "Globalization which leads to homogenization" (Ramdhani, 2012).
Bibliography is preferred for the last five years, compiled by the APA Style system (APA Style Guide), using alphabetical order. For each reference source, the way to write a bibliography is as follows:

For writing Tables
The tables are numbered (1, 2, and so on) in order in the main text. Each table is given a short title that explains the relevance of the contents in the main text, and is written on the table with Bold.
For Writing Images
Each illustration, whether in the form of diagrams or photos, can be included in the drawing and numbered consecutively (1, 2, etc.). Each picture is given a short title that explains the relevance of the content in the main text, and is written at the bottom of the diagram or photo in italics.

Authors must cite at least 1 (one) relevant article from Mandala: Journal of International Relations, as their reference.
Submissions that will be submitted will be peer reviewed (blind reviewer), by 2 (two) reviewers. The results of the review are submitted via email and OJS.
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PEER REVIEW FORM of MANDALA: Jurnal Ilmu Hubungan Internasional

ID Article:




Assessment Components


Score( %)


Research Problems / Focus of object




Theoretical and Methodological Aspects




Depth of Discussion




Elements of obejct Study




Contribution of Freshness




General Comment










Notes on Recommendation: Accepted with Major Revisions, Accepted with Minor Revisions, , Rejected