Analisis Hukum Humaniter Internasional Terhadap PolaRekrutmen Tentara Anak Dalam KonflikSipil Bersenjata
child, soldier, conflict, and arms.Abstract
The changes of issues in international security from the war to domestic conflict resulting in the emergence of armed groups that aim to change the political system and government of a country. Guerrilla armed groups recruit children as child soldiers to fight the government regime. This paper uses the concept of humanitarian law with a descriptive qualitative research approach (literature study) which describes the research problem empirically. The results of the study explained that the recruitment of child soldiers in armed conflicts violated humanitarian law which emphasized that in an armed conflict women and children must be protected. The recruitment model for child soldiers is carried out using drugs (narcotics), doctrine of revenge against family deaths, recruiting girls as sexual slaves and training children to be ready to fight. This child soldier was used as an active militant army, bait, spy and weapons courier and bombs in armed conflict.References
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