Communication Strategy of Dapur Sehat Program to Overcome Stunting by BKKBN Central Java as an Effort to Reduce Stunting Rate in Semarang City


  • Hosea Richard Sutanto Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
  • Pupung Arifin Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta


BKKBN, health communication, strategic communication, stunting


Dapur Sehat Atasi Stunting (Healthy Kitchen Overcomes Stunting) or DAHSAT is one intervention step that was launched by BKKBN to tackle the problem of stunting. This study aimed to elucidate the communication strategy of BKKBN Jawa Tengah when implementing DAHSAT in Semarang. The Communication Strategy will be further examined in the stages of planning, implementation, and evaluation. This research was conducted using the case study method through in-depth interview techniques. BKKBN has not been optimal in developing the communication strategy of the DAHSAT Program, especially at the stage of mapping the sociodemographic aspects of the target audience. The research result indicates that BKKBN Jawa Tengah had not fully implemented a structured communication strategy. Even though it is not optimal, the health communication process that occurs in the implementation of DAHSAT has helped some communities understand what stunting is and how to prevent it.


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