About the Journal

Ekspresi dan Persepsi : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi (JEP)  ISSN 2656050X  (Online) is a peer review journal published by Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta which started in 2018. JEP is a national journal that aims to develop Communication Science by disseminating scientific research works in various in the field of Communication Studies, including advertising media and journalism, new media and communication technology, applied communication, public relations and marketing communications. JEP publishes journals 3 (three) times a year in January, May, and September. JEP explains ethical behavior to all parties involved, including Authors, Editors in Chief, Editors' Board, Reviewers, and Publishers. Based on the results of the accreditation assessment of the Indonesian national journal (Arjuna), JEP is SINTA 3 predicated.

Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 1 (2025): Januari

In Progress

Published: 2025-01-31


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