Therapeutic Communication in Midwife Counseling in the Implementation of Keluarga Berencana (KB) Services at the Lingkar Timur Public Health Center Bengkulu City
keluarga berencana counseling, midwife, patient, therapeutic communicationAbstract
Therapeutic communication within Keluarga Berencana (KB) counseling sessions with midwives at Puskemas presents a compelling area of study due to its prolonged duration compared to other medical interactions. This research aim to analyzed the communication process using therapeutic stages: pre-interaction, orientation, work, and termination, alongside Sandra Petronio's communication privacy management theory. Employing a qualitative method with a phenomenological approach, data collection involved interviews, observation, and documentation, utilizing purpose sampling. The informants in this study amounted to 4 midwives as the main informant and 3 patients as supporting informants. The results of this study show that in phase 1, the pre-interaction phase, the midwives are assigned to collect information from available data about the patient. In phase 2, the orientation phase, the midwives introduce themselves to build trust, divert the patient's thoughts, and formulate common goals. During phase 3, the work phase, the midwives are required to analyze the situation carefully, actively listen, stay focused, and summarize what the patient has communicated. Finally, in phase 4, the termination phase, the midwives conclude the session, reinforce what has been discussed, and ensure that communication with the patient is wellestablished for future interactions. This structured communication process highlights the importance of therapeutic techniques in midwife-patient interactions during KB counseling sessions.
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