Design and Analysis Rolling Press Mechanism for producing Banana Stem as Natural Fiber
composite, natural fiber, banana stem, press machine, rolling machineAbstract
Materials for structural engineering are divided into four types, including ceramics, polymers, and composites. Composite material is a combination of reinforcement and matrix. Composite technology has progressed so rapidly. The development was mainly triggered by the demand for high quality materials. In its development, the fiber used is not only synthetic fiber (glass fiber) but also natural fiber (natural fiber). The advantage of natural fibers compared to synthetic fibers is that natural fibers are more environmentally friendly because natural fibers are able to decompose naturally, while synthetic fibers are more difficult to decompose. In this paper, banana midrib fiber is used and taken from the kepok banana tree (Musa paradisiaca) is a fiber that has good mechanical properties. Banana midrib fiber has a density of 1.35 g/cm3, the cellulose content is 63-64%, hemicellulose 20%, lignin content is 5%, the average tensile strength is 600 MPa, the tensile modulus is 17.85 GPa and the fracture strain is 3, 36%. Because of the advantages of the banana midrib fiber, hence this paper is made for support the production of the banana midrib fiber by designing and analyzing concept design of the machine for processing natural fibers, especially when the material is banana stems, it is called ZEUS MACHINE: Banana Stem Rolling Press Machine as Natural Fiber by Using Manual Power from Pedaling. This machine can help increase the productivity of natural fiber manufacture and can support the development of technology engaged in industry.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Ulfa Hanifah Nurhaliza, Gema Centra Adin, Satrio Dwi Anggoro, Muchammad Oktaviandri

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