About the Journal

Nomor ISSN: 3031-8866


Applied Science and Technology on Naval Engineering (ASTNE) is an academic journal published by the Department of Naval Engineering Universitas Pembangunan Nasional "Veteran" Jakarta. The mission of the journal is to publish original research from theoretical, experimental, and computational studies focused on Naval Engineering aspects and closely related topics.

Although contributions in all relevant fields are widely welcomed, the journal has primarily concentrated its attention emphasis on: 

  1. Hydrodynamics and Stability
  2. Marine Engineering
  3. Design and Ship Optimization
  4. Maritime Technology 
  5. Ocean Renewable Energy
  6. Coastal and Offshore
  7. Marine Transportation



Applied Science and Technology on Naval Engineering (ASTNE) will publish two times of issues per year in March and October.



Applied Science and Technology on Naval Engineering (ASTNE) is published by Department of Naval Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta. 

Please feel free contact us for further information at: email: kapal@upnvj.ac.id,  Fax/Telp: +62-821-3525-9262, Editorial Office Address: Jl. Limo Raya No.7, RW.5, Limo, Kec. Limo, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16514. 
