Why do Zakah Institutions in Sri Lanka Underperform?
Islamic Jurisprudence , Sri Lankan Muslims, Well-being, Zakah InstitutionsAbstract
Zakah as a compulsory worship obligation of Muslims has been practiced for several decades in an institutionalized form in Sri Lanka. Although the institutionalized mechanism contributes to some improvements in socioeconomic conditions, recent research highlighted that the impact of such a model is yet below the expected level. The institutional zakah practice in Sri Lanka has remained essentially informal lacking any state recognition or zakah specific regulation. This paper examined the contemporary challenges and root causes of the zakah institutions’ underperformance in Sri Lanka. This paper took a qualitative methodology and collected primary and secondary data through official documents, interviews, and published literature. The empirical findings of the paper reveal a threefold challenge that contributes to the inefficient institutional zakah performance, namely low collection, ineffective disbursement, and external hurdles. The paper suggests that the prolonged dominant informal and individualist zakah culture of Sri Lankan Muslims fails to actualize the designated goals of zakah and this in turn has contributed to the contemporary challenges. The paper highlights the need for developing an alternative jurisprudential methodology that has the potential to offer sensible remedies to the contemporary identified challenges. The paper suggests that zakah institutions must thoroughly re-evaluate existing zakah applications to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their zakah management systems. It is also suggested that it would be helpful to establish a National Zakah Consultative Body that can advise the government on adopting effective regulations or guidance relevant to zakah management for the Sri Lankan Muslim minority.
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Usthaz M.A.M. Mansoor – Naleemi, B.A Hons, Director- Mishkath Research Institute, Colombo, Senior Lecturer- Jamaiah Naleemiah, Beruwale, Sri Lanka - Respondent 05, Interview by author, Mishkath Research Center, Colombo, 24 Jul 2022.
Ash-Sheikh C. Ayoob Ali – Director of Academic Affairs – Naleemiah Institute of Islamic Studies – Sri Lanka and President of Udatalavinna Zakah committee - Respondent 06, Interview by author, Naleemiah Institute of Islamic Studies, Beruwela, Sri Lanka, 03 Aug 2022.
Ash Shaikh M.T.M Salman Acting Secretary - Fatwa Committee, Member - Executive Committee All Ceylon Jamiyyathul Ulama & Ash Shaikh M.M.M Murshid Assistant Secretary - Fatwa Committee Member - Executive Committee ACJU & Ash Shaikh Akram Abul Hasan MA Member - Fatwa Committee ACJU & Ash Shaikh A.M.M. Mafahim Chief Coordinator - Muslim Affairs and Coordinator - Fatwa Committee ACJU & Mufthi A.H.M Minhaj (BA) Senior Assistant Coordinator - Fatwa Committee ACJU - Respondent 07, Interview by author, All Ceylon Jammiathul Ulama - Head office, Colombo, 10 Aug 2022.
A.M. Sadiqeen & B.M. Fayis & S, M, Shazuly - Respondent 08, Interview by author, Al-Manar Islamic College, Kattankudy, 17 Jul 2022.
Thajudeen Muhammad Safa – Former Manager of Bank of Ceylon and the President of Dharga Town Zakah Committee - Respondent 09, Interview by author, WhatsApp Voice record, 10 Aug 2022.
Ash- Sheikh M.I.M. Ameer – Former Director – Department of Muslim Cultural Affairs and Former President of Majlis Shura of Sammanthurai - Respondent 10, Interview by author, Sammanthurai, 08 Aug 2022.
Copyright (c) 2023 Mohammed Arafath Careem Mohammed Jiffry, Abdulhamid Mohammed Ali Zaroum, Muhammad Amanullah , Ataollah Rahmani

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