Critical Discourse on Prejudice and Stereotypes of Women in the Short Film "Kos-kosan"




Mills’s critical discourse analysis, misunderstanding, prejudice, short film, stereotypes


Visual media is a very popular communication media in society, with short films being particularly accessible and easily interpreted by viewers. This research aims to analyse a short film titled "Kos - Kosan", which address the issue of prejudice and stereotypes related to religious conflict, focusing on the subject-object position, author-reader positions depicted in the scenes shown. Using Sara Mills' Critical Discourse Analysis and a descriptive qualitative analysis method, this study seeks to describe the impact on women and explore the perspective and actions taken by viewers of the short film plot towards the object, women. This study found that the conflict that occurs is primarily due to misunderstandings in communication, where the subject directs the object toward an understanding that negative connotation. Similarly, viewers tend to perceive women in terms of immorality and promiscuity rather than discrimination and intolerance. One of the factors causing misunderstandings in communication between the actors of this short film is nonverbal communication, including facial expressions and body language, which often lead to misinterpretation.

Author Biographies

Serilio Verdial Maria Borges, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

Serilio Verdial Maria Borges, S. Fil. completed his Bachelor of Philosophy degree at Fatumeta Institute of Philosophy and Theology in Dili, Timor-Leste, in 2020. He has worked as a radio announcer for more than 2 years, in one of the radio stations in Dili city. He is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Psychology at the Catholic University of Indonesia Atma Jaya, Jakarta.

Rustono Farady Marta, Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia

Dr. Rustono Farady Marta, S.Sos., M.Med.Kom (蔡益安) or familiarly called "Frad". Obtained his bachelor's degree in Communication Science at Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, then completed his Master's Degree in Post-Graduate Program of Media & Communication at Universitas Airlangga. Achievements in the field of research have been engraved when winning the Best III at the Indonesia Media Research Awards and Summit (IMRAS) in 2014 (social media category) and the year 2015 (online media category). In 2016 received a Research Lecturer Scholarship from Tempo Institute, while in 2017 awarded for National Research Grant for Dissertation by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia. To complete the study of Doctoral degree in Communication Sciences at Universitas Indonesia. He is a visiting assistant professor at the Faculty of Psychology at the Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia and Vice-Rector of Student Affairs, Alumni, and Partnership at Universitas Satya Negara Indonesia. The specialties of Frad are identity studies and communication media sciences. He also focuses on the development of a scientific journal by the Indonesian Communication Science Journal Publishers Association (APJIKI) Other matters relating to the research track record can be viewed in full through SINTA ID: 259075, Scopus Author ID: 57211404689,, also accessible on:

Hana Rochani Gustasari Panggabean, Universitas Katolik Indonesia Atma Jaya

Prof. Dr.phil. Hana Rochani G. Panggabean, Psi. is a professor in Industrial/Organizational Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology , Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, in Jakarta. She has been working on research topics on culture and psychology in organizational setting for more than 20 years. Her working experences include extensive years with developmental research projects and consutancies focusing on local cultures and group behaviour". 

Rizki Briandana, Universitas Mercu Buana

Rizki Briandana is a lecturer at the Department of Communication Science, Faculty of Communication, Mercu Buana University, Indonesia. He received his undergraduate degree in Communication from Mercu Buana University. He holds Master of Communication and Ph.D. of Communication from Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). His research interests include New Media, Film and Television Studies, also Communication Science.

Maichel Chinmi, Universitas Bunda Mulia

Maichel Chinmi, DipBS, S.Pd., M.I.Kom or familiarly called "Chinmi". Obtained his bachelor degree in Education specifically in English Literature at Universitas Pelita Harapan Karawaci. Diploma degree in Theology at University Word of Life Phiilppines, and Master's Degree in Post-Graduate Program of Communication Science at Universitas Bunda Mulia. Recently, he works as a lecturer in Communication Science at Universitas Bunda Mulia, Indonesia.


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