DRUG FREE TOURISM, Narkoba,Pariwisata,penyuluhanAbstract
Heaven of Asia is a stake stake to bring tourists from both home and abroad, tourism stake that is growing makes many enthusiastic tourist objects, one of them is the tourist attraction fores coffee, a place of over 1000 mdpl. Besides, it's highly likely that tourists from outside the area are bringing in illegal goods and spreading a culture of drug consumption to local communities. Drugs are abbreviations of Narcotic Drugs, Psychotropic and Other Dangerous Addictive Substances, i.e. substances or substances that, if introduced into the human body, whether drunken, inhaled or injected, can alter a person's thoughts, feelings and also behavior and furthermore drugs will be able to create physical and psychological dependence. In this case, BNNK Batang has collaborated with Central Java BNNP with the aim of avoiding drug smuggling in the tourism area. Tourism Shining is a program of Central Java BNNP which is being carried out by BNNK as an effort to prevent the abuse, abuse and black circulation of narcotic drugs in the area of tourist objects. As for the perpetrators, the activity was filled with education on the dangers of drugs and continued with the installation of banners or pamphlets aimed at campaigning with the prohibition of drug use and dangers and continues with the signature of the BNNK, BNNP, Tourism Dynasty and tourismmanagers.
Keywords: Drugs, Tourism, counseling
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