Effect of Banana Peel Flour Infusion on Serum LDL Levels of Male Wistar Rat Given Heated Cooking Oil


  • Ilmi Dewi Astuti Nutrition Department, Banyuwangi Institute of Health Sciences http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5736-6260
  • Fuadiyah Nila Kurniasari Nutrition Science Study Program , Faculty of Medicine , Brawijaya University , Malang, East Java
  • Yosfi Rahmi Nutrition Science Study Program , Faculty of Medicine , Brawijaya University , Malang, East Java




LDL level, heated cooking oil, Kepok banana peel flour solution


Atherosclerosis is a progressive disease causing a coronary heart disease (CHD). Atherosclerosis is related to the levels of LDL in the blood. An increased LDL in the blood can be prevented by consuming soluble fiber and antioxidants from such Kepok banana peels. The aim of this study is to know the effects of Kepok banana peel flour infusion in various dosage on LDL serum level of male wistar rats which were treated with a repeatedly heated cooking oil. This study used post test control group as experimental design in which 24 male rats were randomly categorized in five groups,  namely (1) a negative control group, (2) a positive control group treated with a repeatedly heated cooking oil and distilled water, as well as the groups treated with a repeatedly heated cooking oil and 0.5, 1, and 2 ml/rats of Kepok banana peel flour solution, for group (3), (4), and (5) respectively. LDL level were measured by using calorimetric method . The result of this study showed that the highest average levels of LDL obtained in control positive group K(+) was 14,25 mg/dl and the lowest average level of LDL obtained in the group treated with a repeatedly heated cooking oil and 0.5 ml/rat  was 11,2 mg/dl. It can be concluded that Kepok banana peel flour can not significantly reduce the mean of LDL serum level of male Wistar rats treated with repeatedly heated cooking oil (p>0,05)


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