Factors of Father Support Related to Exclusive Breastfeeding Behavior in Semarang City


  • Puja Anggun Febiani Program Study Health Promotion, Faculty of Public Health, University Diponegoro Semarang Jl. Prof. Sudarto No.13, Tembalang, Kec. Tembalang, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50275
  • Zahroh Shaluhiyah Faculty of Public Health, University Diponegoro Semarang Jl. Prof. Sudarto No.13, Tembalang, Kec. Tembalang, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50275
  • Sri Achadi Nugraheni Faculty of Public Health, University Diponegoro Semarang Jl. Prof. Sudarto No.13, Tembalang, Kec. Tembalang, Kota Semarang, Jawa Tengah 50275




Breastfeeding Father, Social Support, Emotional Support, Instrumental Support, Informational Support, Appraisal Support


A breastfeeding father is a father who takes part in supporting his wife to breastfeed the baby. The success of exclusive breastfeeding can be achieved if there is husband involvement in it. Breastfeeding really requires a stable emotional condition. The husband’s role in the breastfeeding process in Indonesia is still lacking so that the husband has to understand the importance of support for a mother. This study aims to analyze the factors of father support related to exclusive breastfeeding behavior in Semarang City. This study was an analytical study with a Cross-Sectional design using a Simple Random Sampling technique. The data were collected using a questionnaire. The Chi-Square Test was used for bivariate analysis and the logistic regression test for multivariate analysis. The study results showed that variables of knowledge, attitude, emotional support, and instrumental support were related to exclusive breastfeeding in Semarang City. The most dominant factor influencing breastfeeding behavior was instrumental support with an OR value = 52.044. Father awareness regarding the important role of the breastfeeding father in supporting exclusive breastfeeding is expected to be improved. Family and health workers must collaborate to encourage the important role of the breastfeeding father.


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How to Cite

Febiani, P. A., Shaluhiyah, Z., & Nugraheni, S. A. (2021). Factors of Father Support Related to Exclusive Breastfeeding Behavior in Semarang City. Jurnal Profesi Medika : Jurnal Kedokteran Dan Kesehatan, 15(2). https://doi.org/10.33533/jpm.v15i2.3605