Author Guidelines

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically through the online submission system of Indonesian Journal of Physiotherapy. Ensure that the manuscript is in Microsoft Word (doc.) format.
Include the completed article template (doc.) and originality statement form (pdf.). Currently, only Microsoft Word format is accepted, not formats such as png or others.

Please ensure that your article falls within the scope and focus of Indonesian Journal of Physiotherapy, covering original research articles, systematic reviews, case studies, and clinical trials related to various aspects of physiotherapy. The journal's focus includes musculoskeletal physiotherapy, neurological physiotherapy, pediatric physiotherapy, cardiopulmonary physiotherapy, geriatric physiotherapy, and sports physiotherapy.

Manuscript Preparation:
Manuscripts should be written in Indonesian or English.
Use clear and concise language, ensuring that the content is understandable to a broad readership.
Organize the manuscript into the following sections: Title, Abstract (in both Indonesian and English), Keywords, Introduction, Research Methods, Research Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments (if applicable), and References.
Use the Harvard Style for in-text citations and reference management, and consider using the Mendeley application.
The recommended length for the abstract is 150-200 words.
Title and Abstract:
The title should accurately reflect the content of the manuscript and be concise.
The abstract should provide a clear summary of the study, including the objective, methods, results, and conclusion.
The abstract should be written in both Indonesian and English.
Keywords: Provide 3-6 keywords or key phrases that are relevant to your manuscript.
Introduction: Clearly state the objective and rationale of the study.
Provide a brief background of the topic and highlight the knowledge gap that your research aims to address. Clearly state the research question or hypothesis.
Research Methods: Describe the study design, including the population/sample, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques. Provide sufficient details to enable replication of the study.
If applicable, include ethical considerations and approval from relevant institutional review boards.
Research Results: Present the findings of your study in a clear and concise manner. Use tables, figures, and graphs when appropriate to enhance clarity. Avoid interpretation or discussion in this section.
Discussion: Interpret and analyze the results, relating them to existing literature. Discuss the implications of your findings and their relevance to the field of physiotherapy. Address the limitations of the study and suggest avenues for future research.
Conclusion: Summarize the main findings of the study.
Clearly state the implications and potential applications of the research.
Acknowledgments: Include acknowledgments for individuals or organizations that contributed to the study but do not meet the criteria for authorship.
References: Include a list of all references cited in the manuscript.
Use the Harvard Style for formatting and referencing.
We appreciate your contribution to Indonesian Journal of Physiotherapy and look forward to receiving your manuscript.