
  • Tia Nadia Suma Universitas 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta




Kata kunci, Chronic ankle instability, Exergame, Functional ankle instability, Virtual reality training





Latar Belakang: Ankle sprain merupakan cedera yang paling sering terjadi pada populasi aktif. Ankle sprain dapat berkembang menjadi chronic ankle instability yang menimbulkan berbagai permasalahan sehingga menyebabkan keterbatasan fungsional dan mempengaruhi kualitas hidup. Virtual reality menghadirkan simulasi lingkungan interaktif, realistis, menarik dan aman digunakan sehingga bermanfaat untuk meningkatkan kemampuan fungsional penderita chronic ankle instability. Tujuan: Untuk menyajikan bukti terkini terkait efektifitas virtual reality terhadap rehabilitasi chronic ankle instability, seperti kekuatan otot, keseimbangan, stabilitas ankle, dan performa melalui studi literatur. Metode: Literature review dengan framework PICOT(T) (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Time, (Type of study)). Pencarian artikel menggunakan 4 database (PubMed Central, PubMed, Proquest, dan Google Scholar) dengan kata kunci yang telah dibuat, seleksi artikel menggunakan flowchart, dan penilaian kritis artikel. Hasil: Hasil keseluruhan pencarian dari 4 database diperoleh 852 artikel.  Setelah dilakukan screening berdasarkan kriteria inklusi dan kriteria eksklusi, diperoleh 7 artikel yang menunjukkan efektivitas penggunaan virtual reality terhadap rehabilitasi chronic ankle instability. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan literature review, mengungkapkan bahwa latihan berbasis virtual reality efektif terhadap rehabilitasi pasien chronic ankle instability.


Kata kunci: Chronic ankle instability; Exergame; Functional ankle instability; Virtual reality training



Background: Ankle sprain is injury that often occur in the active population. Ankle sprain may develop chronic ankle instability which causes various impairments. Therefore, it leads to functional limitations and affects quality of life. Virtual reality provides an interactive, realistic, attractive, and safe environment simulation that is useful for improving physical function of chronic ankle instability patients. Objective: To provide up-to-date evidence related to the effectiveness of virtual reality on chronic ankle instability rehabilitation, such as muscle strengths, balance, ankle stability, and performance through literature review. Methods: A literature review with the PICOT(T) framework (Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Time, (Type of study)). The method's stages were articles search using 4 databases (PubMed Central, PubMed, Proquest, and Google Scholar with keywords that have been created, articles selection using flowchart, and critical appraisal of articles. Result: There were 852 articles obtained by the overall search of 4 databases. After screening articles based on inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria, 7 journals proved the effectiveness of the use of virtual reality on chronic ankle instability rehabilitation. Conclusion: According to the literature review, virtual reality-based exercise is effective on chronic ankle instability rehabilitation.


Keywords:  Chronic ankle instability; Exergame; Functional ankle instability; Virtual reality training



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